Some food for Thought

16 07 2014


Getting it done…

29 06 2014

So many people ask me how I manage to not gain back any weight…. This is how ….
Hard Work

It’s a choice – Its hard work – Its worth every ounce of determination

Get motivated and stay determined

What’s Your Excuse?

22 06 2014

This story and video makes me happy for so many reasons! Keep doing what you do Mr. Addo! NYTimes: A Chiseled Bodybuilder, Frail Clients and a Fitness Story for the Ages

The Best Diet in the World….Balanced Nutrition

12 06 2014

There are approximately 7 billion people in the world, and we each have our own unique genetic make-up. While we share many physical similarities with each other, how efficiently we burn calories, how many pounds we can lift, how much fat we store is unique to each of us. We cannot control some of our physical characteristics like our height or eye color, but we can influence our weight, strength and agility by our lifestyle choices.

In this post I want to focus on nutrition and what you can do to get to a weight that makes sense for your body type. There are at least a million different diets on the market, and as far as I can tell none of them work forever, hence, the number of diets on the market. What does work is balanced nutrition. What is balanced nutrition? It is consuming a diet of macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) in ratios appropriately balanced for your body type, activity level and goals. So what ratio is right for you? That is the burning question, and there is no completely 100% correct answer, because the ratio is variable just like so many of our unique physical attributes. Your weight, activity level, body fat percentage and goals (do you want to reduce body fat, build muscle or gain weight) all enter into the equation.

So how do you get started? My recommendation is to hire a reputable trainer or nutritionist who believes in the benefits of balanced nutrition and who can help you determine what the right ratio of macro nutrients is to help you achieve your goals based on your body type. Of course, like anything, there are DIY calculators available online for determining macro nutrient ratios, but for every one of those that I tried, I came up with a different set of macros – all varying by large degrees. One article that I found to be very informative and simple to follow was written by my coach Tyler English. His recommendations can be found here: Tyler English Blog

I have been counting macros for years, and they have changed numerous times based on my activity level, training goals and body fat percentage. My point – nothing is cast in stone and what works for you might not work for someone else. If you are new at this, I definitely recommend erring on the high side with your intake for at least for the first week or two until you get the hang of it. The quickest way to failure is to feel deprived. Get your balance first, have a few small wins then make adjustments to achieve your goals.


Sunday Cooking

6 10 2013


Its Sunday so my kitchen is warm with the smells of home-cooked food, and my fridge is full of snacks and meals for the week ahead.

So often I hear from people struggling with their weight that they just don’t have time to plan and prepare their meals ahead. I offer this — how can you not make the time? Fueling your body and eating healthy balanced meals should be at the very top of your to-do list. Heck skip the gym once a week and spend the time organizing your food plan.

You can go to the gym every day – twice, but if you don’t eat right you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

This week’s menu: Roast chicken, roasted butternut squash with rosemary, turkey and spinach curry soup, roasted pepper with tomatoes and feta. Also, in the fridge 2 pounds of boneless chicken marinating in mojo, plenty of fresh greens, skim milk, Greek yogurt, sliced strawberries, local fresh eggs and whole grain bread.

Comfort Zone

4 03 2013


A Long Time

21 02 2013

On more than one occasion over the last few weeks I have contemplated the sanity of my decision to train for a long distance race in February in New England. I like a challenge just as much as the next person but this is a little extreme.

Honey -can you grill me some chicken?

Honey -can you grill me some chicken?

After a particularly hard work out the other day, I was thinking about tossing in the towel and waiting for a race in June of next year…. While I was foam rolling away my sore glutes and pondering the validity of this notion, a woman came up to me and said, “I am so impressed with your push-ups”. No joke… she made my day, my week, and my month. I don’t think the feeling was mutual though. She went on to ask me how long it took me to be able to bang out those “real” push-ups. My answer was, “a LONG time”. Her face ever so slightly crumbled at my flat-out honest answer. I think she was hoping I knew some magic trick. I heard myself telling her, “You just have to stick with it. It will come. Don’t fret about the monumental accomplishments just keep plugging away at the small stuff and you will get there”.

As I drove home I realized that I got more from that conversation than she likely did. I need to focus more on the small things and not the long miles ahead. Every day the weather cooperates and I get a run in is a win. Every push-up, every squat jump, every stinkin’ kettle bell swing …. It all adds up.

Just keep moving, don’t get discouraged and on top of it all remember to enjoy the ride.

Talking to Myself

24 01 2013

During a little “whoa is me” session with a friend this week she suggested that I have a conversation with my old self. Perplexed I asked her what on earth she was talking about. She said its easy. If your old self (4 years ago self) could talk to you today, what would she say? Immediately I knew what direction this was heading. Of course my old self would look at me and say “Oh my God what are you complaining about? I would love to fit in those jeans and be able to train for a half marathon. Stop whining, put your sneakers on and go. Don’t ever look back. I would do anything to be your size, even if means running in the cold and snow and getting up at a God awful hour every day”. Appropriately abashed by my inability to see how far I have come, I thanked my insightful friend and my old self for the stern talking to that I clearly deserved.

A little silly I know, but this exercise brought amazing clarity to my goals past, present and future. If you were to have a conversation with your old self what would it sound like? I bet doing this will either make you appreciate how hard you have worked to achieve your goals or realize how far from them you have strayed. Either way it is a worthwhile endeavor.

Making time for the gym and proper nutrition can be overwhelming during the best of weeks. Taking a moment to appreciate how hard you have worked makes it all worthwhile.

Thanks Steph – I owe you one.

The Last Fattest Day Ever

12 01 2013

Four years ago today was the last “The Last Fattest Day Ever” for me. Of course I didn’t know it at the time. What I did know, was that at 40 years old, I had become so overweight and unfit that I was incapable of doing basic exercises. This realization made me mad and being mad made me fight to get my body back.

Because of my competitive spirit I was intrigued by the notion of participating in a “boot camp” class. The no-nonsense hold no prisoners gritty edge that the name “boot camp” implied resonated with me. Beyond that I had no idea what was in store. I jumped, I pushed, I pulled, I ran in place, I stood on my hands. I thought it would kill me. I never felt so alive. I hated it. I loved it. (BTW I still have all of those feelings each time I walk into the gym)

I have thought about that day many times and I am enormously thankful to whatever powers in the universe made me go to that boot camp class. Many pounds, many inches, some tears and swear words later, I am the strongest I have ever been and I am training for my second long distance race this year.

Thanks to all my cheerleaders – after all I am most thankful to you.